Life Imitates "Twister"

Fairfax-A farm, in Fairfax, Oklahoma, where scenes from the 1996 movie "Twister” were shot was hit Monday by a real tornado.

J. Berry Harrison Sr. lost a horse, two houses, five barns, two silos and miscellaneous farm and irrigation equipment in the storm, but his family was not hurt, he said Saturday.

"We built all this in 50 years and it blew away in 15 minutes. It was quite a wind,” he said.

Harrison’s son and wife, their son and a niece were in one of the homes when the tornado hit. He said the house lost its roof, but the walls stayed intact.

During the filming of a scene in "Twister,” film crews tracked actors along a road and taking shelter beneath a bridge as a tornado passed over. The track of the fictitious tornado in the film and the real one that hit Monday appeared eerily familiar, Harrison said.

"The path of the tornado came exactly the same way that they made it in the movie,” he said. 

More from NewsOK.


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