Another Satisfied Customer

An email received today, used with permission...

I am just finishing your book, "Warnings" and just wanted to thank you for writing it. I found it extremely interesting and very informative. I've been telling everyone I know about your book. I hope to get a chance to hear you speak sometime.

Thanks again!
Marjie Anderson, Lindsborg, KS


  1. Hi Mike, I also just finished reading your book about 2 weeks ago. I believe the first time I heard about the book was through AccuWeather's website. I enjoyed it very much and found that the advancements in storm warnings over the last 50 years is truly remarkable! I also have a passion for the weather and I can remember getting interested in it at age 5 during the Blizzard of 1983 in the suburbs of Philadelphia. My family and friends know my love of the weather ever since I started watching the Weather Channel (drove people crazy with the amount I watched) in the mid-1980s and I also brought a weather station into show-and-tell in the 4th grade. To this day weather brings a huge amount of enjoyment in my life. I admire your work and wish I would have pursued a career in weather that I have such a keen interest in. This last winter living in SE Pennsylvania experiencing the record snowfalls was truly amazing. Though, I know my girlfriend did not appreciate my new relationship with AccuWeather and all the other weather websites. Do you have any recommendations on activities I could get involved with that would give me an outlet for pursuing my great interest in weather? NWS storm spotters, associations, etc? Thanks again for writing such a rewarding book and I admire your dedication to the advancements in meteorology! Greg Duffy

  2. Greg,

    Thank you so much for writing!

    Yes, being an NWS spotter, CoCoRAHS observer (, or being a volunteer at the Franklin Institute (Philadelphia area) would be great ways to put your 'weather energy' into good use.

    Thanks again for writing and for reading "Warnings." Please tell your friends!



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