
FEMA's Map Underestimated North Carolina Flood Risk

Many of have wondered, almost since day one, why Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) is doing flood risk analysis rather than NOAA (my first choice) or the U.S. Geological Survey (my second choice).  An investigative report by the Washington Post  shows FEMA's flood risk maps are grossly in error. An example is below. FEMA's risk (left); insurance industry risk (right). Washington Post.  In addition to mistakenly leading people to believe they don't need flood insurance, a second injurious aspect of these maps was to make people who were very much at risk of flooding is to believe they were safe. This may explain why so many were caught completely off-guard when we were warning of "catastrophic" flooding in the region well ahead of the event .  FEMA is another federal agency we would be better off without in its present form. It accomplishes its mission poorly, expects big praise for doing something routine, and spends huge amounts of money on the w

NO!! A Hurricane Is Not Headed for the United States -- ADDITION

I don't know why the Daily Mail  is so determined to report false weather information .   The graphic is from the National Hurricane Center and the 60% odds refer to the weather system at the X becoming a tropical depression,  not a hurricane. A tropical depression is even below a tropical storm in the hierarchy of tropical weather systems. And, while it is potentially (hasn't formed yet) headed in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico or Florida, it is not forecast to approach the U.S. through ten days. The red equals where the storm weakens.  I never thought we would be in an era of "weather porn" but here we are. I promise I will never intentionally hype a storm and that I will inform you when there is something to be concerned about, as I did with Helene when others were forecasting " isolated " flooding in the southern Appalachians. As always, I invite you to let your friends know about this blog if you wish to have accurate and non-sensational weather i

Tornado + Green Energy = Devastation

Nuclear power plants are tornado-proof. Most conventional (gas and goal) plants are hardened against tornadoes.  The same cannot be said for solar and wind! From last week's Florida tornadoes.  Who is going to clean up this mess -- some of which was made from hazardous chemicals? Given the increasingly poor economics for solar and, especially, wind, I wonder if it will be cleaned up at all?

Nothing More Needs Be Said....

Absolutely correct. Utter insanity. Two trillion per year and the climate alarmists say we need to "wake up" to the threat. 

Thank You to the Hunt Family!

Thank you to the Hunt Family and their contribution on this crucial matter!! Kansas City Star

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

There are ZERO tropical storms, tropical depressions or hurricanes headed to the United States.  This headline couldn't be more wrong! This is the media at its worst.  Please rest easy tonight!

Our Home is For Sale

As it was time for downsizing, our home is for sale.  You can see the Zillow listing here . It is on the Willowbend golf course with a large lot and terrific views (below). Our agent is here .  From our Wichita backyard There is a custom train layout in the attic room that any family with children will love. I even left a train (O gauge, Lionel). Wichita has been receiving some nice publicity lately which I only learned about late last week.  And..... Note that Tony prefers living in Wichita over Austin. In fact, I've had several former Austin residents tell me that Wichita = "Austin Without the Hassle."  So, if you are thinking of relocating, Wichita and our house are a great choice, especially if you have a family. The cost of living is very low.