With All of the Interest in Extreme Weather...

Record tsunami. Record tornado outbreak. Record flooding.

If you are interested in weather, I'd like to invite you to the High Plains Conference which will be held at the wonderful Wichita Marriott on August 4-6, 2011.

The conference will focus heavily on tornadoes and other extreme weather and you do not have to be a meteorologist to attend or appreciate the presentations. We have a special program set up for spouses and children that they will enjoy!

And, I hope you'll take a look at my book, Warnings. The book is a fun and easy read and the knowledge in it just might save your life!


  1. Question. Is a tsunami considered a weather event?

  2. In many nations of the world, yes. You'll note the warnings of that event were issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

    In the United States, tsunami warnings are issued by the same National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that issues tornado warnings and both types are warnings are issued via the meteorological communication systems.

    And, because broadcast meteorologists sources of tsunami warnings, we have papers presented on the topic at various meteorological conferences.

    While strictly the science of oceanography when it comes to research, tsunamis are generally treated as "meteorology" when it comes to issuing the warnings.


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